The sacred and spirituality

Painting murals in churches with large dimensions. Paintings on canvas. Sculptures.

sábado, dezembro 30, 2000

PINTURA na Capela do Carmelo de Nossa Senhora Rainha do Mundo em Patacão (Faro)

Quando um dia as irmãs do Carmelo de Faro tiveram conhecimento das pinturas da Igreja de Linda-a-Velha, procuraram contactar-me a fim de lhes pintar um mural na capela do Mosteiro. Pretendiam com isso homenagear o Ano Jubilar de 2000, tendo a pintura referências à Ressurreição de Jesus e aos Santos e Santas que em vida estiveram ligados à Ordem Carmelita.

PAINTING in the Chapel of Carmelo de Nª. Sra. Rainha do Mundo in Patacão (Faro)

The monks of the Carmelo of Faro had one day knowledge of the paintings that I carried through in the Linda-a-Velha Church and had looked for my contact, in order to paint a mural in the chapel of the Monastery. They intended with this to homage the Jubilee Year of 2000, having the painting references to the Resurrection of Jesus and the Saints that had still alive to the Carmelite Order.

Pintura mural na capela do Carmelo 2000

Pormenores da pintura